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Tell & Inspire: How engaging youth can prevent violent extremism

2 mai, 2016
Est. Reading: 2 minutes
Photo credit: Indigo Côte d’Ivoire

Interpeace is co-organizing an event at the 2016 edition of the European Development Days on June 16. Participants, which include members of the European Parliament, EU officials, national politicians, NGOs from the Global South and North, academics, private sector representatives and youth representatives, will gather to discuss how youth can help in the prevention of violent extremism. By taking examples from youth around the world, this debate aims to provide EU policy-makers with recommendations on how the EU should engage youth and support their initiatives to prevent violence.

Séverin Kouame, a peacebuilder and founder of Interpeace partner organization Indigo Cote d'Ivoire, will share his experience of working with youth engaged in organized crime. The project aims to tackle the new forms of crime in the district of Abobo in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). By reconnecting the youth with their respective communities through a process of interactive dialogue, the project ultimately seeks to reintegrate them into society in a manner that brings about positive social, economic and educational change.

Along with co-organizers World Vision EU Office and Search for Common Ground, we are asking young people to contribute to the discussion by sharing their stories and ideas. We invite young people from all around the world to tell their stories, through video and/or writing, to inspire participants with examples from local contexts.

You can participate in the discussion on Facebook Cliquez ici, where you can submit your response and post your short 2-min videos. The best responses will be screened live to attendees at the event. The submissions will frame the course of the discussion.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your cameras and keyboards and start sharing your stories!

You can also join the discussion on Twitter using #EDD16 et un #youth4peace.

You find out more about the European Development Days at www.eudevdays.eu